What is the ER Club?

The ER Club or The Essay Readers Club [if you prefer long form] is a community of people who love reading essays. Every week, I send out a newsletter containing a link to an essay I think you should read, an excerpt from the essay, and my thoughts on the essay.

If you randomly read personal essays on Medium, long Twitter threads, or random blog posts by your friends or strangers, then this should be your kind of thing. You should keep reading.

How often do I get emails? How does the club work?

It’s a virtual club - for now. There is no Telegram group or WhatsApp group because I find it difficult to keep up with these sometimes. However, we can always communicate on Twitter. If you ever want to share a thought on the newsletter, use the hashtag #TheERclub (double ‘e’, not case sensitive) and the rest of the community will engage your posts. That is how the club works.

How often do I get emails?

You get emails once a week. You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

Join the Club.

Join us. Let us read essays together every week and share our thoughts.

If you have any essay you think we should read as a community or you have any idea on how I can make this better, please send it to me here

Subscribe to The ER Club

Every week, I send you a newsletter containing a link to an essay I think you should read, my thoughts on the essay, and an excerpt of the essay. Read one here.
